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Big Solutions Start Small: Policy Responses to the Opioid Crisis in West Virginia


BY WILL LINDSEY The opioid epidemic will likely go down as one of the largest public health crises of our lifetime. While opioids don’t command daily headlines, the crisis still kills approximately 72,000 in the United States a year, surpassing annual automobile deaths. In my home state of North Carolina, the Center for Disease Control […]

David’s Journey: A Patient-Centered Approach to Opioid Addiction Treatment


BY STEPHANIE NGUYEN AND MAGGIE SALINGER David [1] used to sell drugs on a street corner in East Baltimore. His curbside business had offered a glimpse into the life of his customers as they waded in and out of withdrawal. Their oscillation between temporary satisfaction and full-blown suffering didn’t seem worth it to David. But then, […]

Dear Opioid Czar, Start Here. Sincerely, Physicians.


BY DR. ALISTER MARTIN The knocks came in three shrill taps on the screen door to her apartment in Everett, Massachusetts. An hour before Cheryl, whose name was changed for this story, had sent a text to her dealer telling him to delete her phone number. She had two young children and her prescription pain […]

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